The New Year is almost upon us -- a time for us to pause and reflect on the previous year and make plans for the coming year. A lot of changes have happened in my life since this time last year, both in my personal and professional life. While some events were true hardships and caused me much angst, all worked out in the end and all for the better. The ability to deal with change and the resilience to deal with setbacks in our lives are skills that we are constantly learning and refining. Each change, each setback, better prepares us for what is to come -- for good or for not so good. Working with River and her health issues this year has been a shining example of that.
Out of this year and all that I have experienced, I am taking some lessons learned forward as my resolutions for 2014. I posted similar words on Facebook. By posting them, it holds me accountable to follow through on them. This year, I will:
- Practice more kindness toward others;
- Listen more and talk less;
- Work harder to attain "win-win" solutions;
- Pay it forward every day.
All of these are talents of great leaders. Let's all be leaders and make the world a kinder and more compassionate place in 2014 for each other and for our animal friends.
Maynette and River