"Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection." ~ Winston Churchill
As we are in the Christmas Season and the end of year and with the new year just around the corner, it is a time of joyful anticipation. It is also a time, as Winston Churchill noted, of reflection -- reflection over the year that has gone by and reflection on the year that is fast approaching.
As I look back over the past year, it has been a maelstrom of events -- some of great sadness and loss but others of great joy. I have witnessed humanity at its most base and selfish, balanced by the true grace of humanity at its most generous and giving. I have learned much and grown much.
River, too, has had her ups and downs. Another bout of laminitis and a diagnosis of Cushing's Disease were setbacks, but with the care of a tremendous community of horse professionals, River is thriving and once again we are now riding together. River continues to teach me in so many ways. She continually helps me expand my capacity for patience, as she continues to expand my learning on horses and horse care. Through her, I have met and developed friendships with a wonderful community of people that have reignited my passion and opened my horizons to new things.
As we end 2014, I think of how far we've come and how exciting the journey in 2015 will be.
Wishing each of you, a very happy and health journey in 2015!
Maynette and River