After recovering from another flair-up of laminitis, my Equine Coach, River, has been cleared by her veterinarian to be ridden again! River's exercise had been limited to ground work only to this point in her recovery. Exercise is a double-edged sword for River after she is out of the acute laminitic phase -- Exercise is essential to her recovery and hoof health, but heavily monitored so as not to compromise her recovery.
River and I have been down this path before, but I come this time with a new perspective -- a perspective that is borne out of prior experience and greater knowledge than when I last trod this path a year ago with her. I feel better equipped to bring River through her rehabilitation phase as I know what to do and what to look for as we move forward.
How many times in life have you encountered the same or similar problem or circumstance more than once, but find that you look at it from a new perspective? This new perspective may be due to similar experiences or just a fresh outlook on an old issue, which offers opportunities to resolve or at the very least navigate the issue in a different, but more effective way.
It doesn't take a major illness or other life changing experience to have these shifts in perspective. Sometimes it can be as easy as setting a problem aside and sleeping on it, or being creative and thinking beyond your current self-imposed boundaries.
Got a recurrent problem gnawing at you? Try approaching it from a new perspective. The results may surprise you!
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