I have made one costume for River several years ago for a Fun Show. River was the Sphinx and I was Cleopatra. And no, I'm not posting a picture as the costume was truly horrible. I pretty much swore off the thought of doing it again -- until I moved to the barn I am at now.
You see, the barn I am at is very focused on Arabian Horses. River fits in perfectly as she is part Arabian and part Quarter Horse. And many folks who own Arabians will make (or buy) traditional Arabian Costumes, both for the horse and rider. They are quite elaborate and elegant. See the painting below.
So, getting into the spirit, and knowing that Halloween is rapidly approaching and my new barn does have a Halloween Costume Party, I've thrown myself in making an suitable Arabian Horse costume for River. Now, about the sewing part...thank goodness for fabric glue and tape to supplement my rudimentary sewing skills!
So far, the costume for River is looking pretty good, if I do say so myself! It has been challenging and frustrating, but a grand experiment, and is teaching me new skills and definitely moving me out of my comfort zone.
What does this all have to do with Leadership? Leaders have to learn to be comfortable with moving out of their comfort zone and be open to trying and doing new things and to encourage others to do the same. This enables growth, and without growth both at a personal and organizational level, a person or organization stagnates. And the more you step out of your comfort zone, the easier it gets to do it.
So here's to learning new things and to stepping beyond what we find familiar and comfortable! As with anything, my foray into the new and unexplored may be a failure or it may be tremendously successful. Either way, I will have grown from it. And if I really am successful, you may see a picture of River in all her Arabian glory in a few weeks. : )
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