Sunday, September 1, 2013

Taking Baby Steps...

Today was a huge milestone for River and for me!  For the first time in about five months, I was able to actually ride River.  Admittedly, it was only for about five minutes at a very slow walk, but it was a happy, yet also scary experience for me.  You see, I was terrified that the ride would be a setback in her recovery -- even though the vet had given me clearance to do so.  We walked -- okay, she walked and I rode -- in the sand arena with nice soft footing for her feet, and then I spent hand-walking her for a few minutes after our short ride to make sure she was still comfortable.  All is good!  And now, I begin the slow and uncharted process of getting her back into shape.  I am scared, impatient, and excited -- all wrapped into one. 

River and I are taking baby steps on the road to her recovery, as we are now past the acute phase and now managing a chronic condition.  These baby steps require a lot of observation and research on my part to ensure that we don't proceed too fast and cause her condition to become acute again.  And of course, River will let me know in her own way how we should proceed. 

On this road, we are both co-leaders in the hopes for a long and full life for River and very special equine friend for me.  Love you, River!

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