Sunday, September 15, 2013

It Takes A Village...

The journey River and I have taken these past months with her health issues have required the efforts of many people working as team to get River on the road to recovery -- veterinarians, the farrier, the barn owner and the barn manager -- not to mention the friends and family that have supported me and River, including providing a late evening trailering of River to the vet's office.  On a small scale, it shows that it truly takes a village in any endeavor in order to reach a goal.  In our case, the goal is to keep River stable and healthy and that village is still working hard to keep her on that path.

In many ways, River's health issues have allowed the two of us  to forge a much stronger bond through spending quality time in other ways than riding -- quiet hand walking around the barn property, grooming time, and baths -- each of which take on even more special significance given what River has been through.  River's not the most demonstrative on horses, but she now comes to greet me in the pasture; whereas before, she would just acknowledge me by lifting her head up from eating. 

Additionally, I have come to know better and even more greatly admire "my village",  both the professionals that evaluate and take care of River and those friends and family who have been our moral and emotional support through journey.  For each of them, I am forever grateful.

So, as you enter a new week, think about the community making up your "village" and what a tremendous part they play in your life -- and thank them for the special part they play in your life.

 Me and My Girl, River.

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