Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Three P's

So, River, my Equine Coach, has been convalescing these past several weeks, recovering from a bout of laminitis.  Laminitis can be extremely serious.  Laminitis and Colic -- which River doesn't have -- are responsible for one-third of all horse deaths.  Understandably, I have been very vigilant and concerned.  So yesterday was a big day for River -- it had been several weeks and the vet was going to take x-rays to see if the rotation in her coffin bone in her two front legs had changed.  If the angle had gotten higher, then we had a bigger problem.  Needless to say, I was very nervous about a dire prognosis.

When I arrived at the barn, River was happily eating hay in her stall.  My vet came and set up the portable x-ray equipment.  Very cool stuff -- essentially a large portable camera connected to a processor and a laptop.  The x-ray takes digital images which the vet can look at right on the PC screen and evaluate.

The vet did a physical assessment of River and was pleased with what he saw.  The hooves looked good. Next the x-rays.  River was, as always, very agreeable -- stepping on the plates and standing still for a series of four images on each leg.  A group of fellow barn buddies were there and we all gathered around the laptop to see the images.  GOOD NEWS!  The rotation on the bone on one leg had decreased and the bone on the other leg was stable.  The vet had a huge grin and I was getting happily teary.

Next the vet had River trot -- she looked comfortable and happy.  My girl looked like her old self! That is not to say she is fully there yet.  A few more weeks of recuperation and weaning off the anti-inflammatories.  Also some special hoof trimming and a recheck in 30 days.  No riding yet.  And a condition that we will have to watch closely the rest of her life.

So, even in her convalescence, River has still been coaching.  She has shown me the power of patience,  presence, and perseverance.  Wishing all of you the gift and power of the three P's!

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